Arizona Catholic Bishops Statement Opposing Proposition 139
As Catholic Bishops of Arizona we want to express our strong opposition to Proposition 139.
Volunteers Needed for The Oratory and Children's Liturgy of the Word
Have a passion for the LORD and His Church, and a desire to share that with the youth?
Upcoming Events
Help Save Live in Phoenix
You can protect mothers and children by joining this worldwide mobilization!
Pray and Play
Mondays after the 8:00am Mass, beginning Mon, Sep 9
We invite all mothers and their children to gather together in the Social Hall to pray the Rosary.
Women's Bible Group Discussion
Mondays, 11:00am in Room 9
Please come anytime your schedule allows, and enjoy the Word of God.
The Oratory Middle School: Social Night!
We invite all middle schoolers and their friends!
At Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Rosary Makers
Join us in Room 10. Supplies and tools will be available to make Rosaries.
Bereavement Support Group
Comfort to parishioners in your time of loss.
In Room 9
K of C: Vitalant Blood Drive (Mobile Bus)
In the bus parking lot
Sign up after Oct 5 & 6 Masses.