Pastoral Care Ministries
We are blessed here at Church of the Holy Spirit with many opportunities to serve and grow in our faith journey. Whether you have one or more hours to give each week or every month there is a parish ministry just for you.
Bereavement Support Group

This ministry provides comfort to parishioners who have lost a loved one. The opportunity to share, read, and reflect, in a small group setting, helps those in attendance find encouragement for changes in their lives while working through their grief journey.
Our parishioner Bereavement Support Ministry meets the second and fourth Sunday of each month from 10:00-11:30am in the Room 9. This parishioner support group comes together to help each other navigate through the grief journey. Ministry Coordinators have attended the Bereavement Care Training provided by the Diocese of Phoenix.
To learn more about this ministry, contact the parish office at (480)838-7474.
No professional counseling is offered.
Helping Hands of Holy Spirit (Food Pantry)

This outreach organization assists both parishioners and those who visit our parish who are in need of food and other staples of life.
“Helping Hands” is especially looking for individuals who would be willing to meet with clients in the parish office to assess and provide one on one assistance with food requests.
Volunteers are needed on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, 10:00am-12:00pm.
Mental Health Referral Service

Holy Spirit Catholic Church is pleased to announce the launch of our new mental health referral service.
This new service will provide our parishioners the confident direction they are seeking in support for the mental health needs of themselves, or a loved one.
Our new service will refer those requesting to Catholic and confidential therapists, who accept most insurances, and will be conveniently located in close proximity to the parishioner requesting the service. All contacts and referrals are made under strict confidence for your privacy.
For more information, email or call (480)540-3217.