
Join the Altar Linen Ministry

The Altar Linen Ministry is in need of volunteers to wash and iron the linens used at Mass. Your commitment is for one month and frequency is dependent on how many volunteers we have.

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New Music

Our musicians have prepared a few quick sound tracks for any and all who would like to familiarize themselves with this new mass setting.

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OCIA Inquiry classes are starting in September!

We would love to have you join our OCIA group and see if this is the time for you to take steps towards full communion in the Church.

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Safe Environment Renewal is now open.

Online Renewal for Lay Persons 2024: Safe Haven: Religious Ed


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The Church Cleaning Society is looking for a few good women and men.

If you feel a calling to help keep the church clean and orderly, this may be just for you.

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Vitalant Blood Drive

Upcoming Events

Bible Study for Parents and Grandparents

Join us in Hanley Hall while your student is in class every Tue or Thu. Email Maria Kim Bui at for more information.

Fire & Light Speaker Series

Fr. Ernesto Reynoso, JCL presents "The Miraculous Medal: Pendant of Power"

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Lay Dominicans of the Order of Preachers - St. Mary Magdalene Chapter

Information night via Zoom.

Contact Syndee at 602-909-3750 or email at ahead for details.

Pray and Play

Mondays after the 8:00am Mass, beginning Mon, Sep 9

We invite all mothers and their children to gather together in the Social Hall to pray the Rosary.